He doesn’t know what he wants

So me and this guy are unofficially dating for the past 2 months. We finally have the talk about becoming official because one of his friends called me his girlfriend so we obviously needed to talk about it since i’m not his girlfriend. He told me he thinks he falling in love with me, how he can see me in every aspect of his life, he knows we have this special connection and can see me being the “one.” however, he wants to explore the whole college experience (i’m a sophomore and he’s currently a freshman). college experience meaning doing stupid stuff with his guys and going to parties and flirting and maybe even hooking up. But he keeps saying he wants to be my boyfriend so badly but has this internal conflict of not sure wants to commit because he doesn’t want to settle down. He see’s me as the one to settle down with so he doesn’t want to settle down with right now since he wants to have fun in college. But if he sees me as the “one”, is falling in love with me, and saids he doesn’t want to loose me shouldn’t that be a sign that he shouldn’t go exploring with other people?

after me and him talked we decided we needed to take a 2 week break so he can figure out what he wants since he keeps going back and forth. Do you think he’s going to realize that the college experience he has within this 2 weeks means nothing cus i’m not apart of it? Also he wants us to potentially date in the summer but when we get to the fall he doesn’t know cuz he wants the college experience. I need opinions on this whole situation...