
I'm just done! So done! 
I need to vent, like a lot! UGHHHHH!!! okay so first off, what's bothering me is all of these posts about these moms who either 1) just barely started using this app or 2) don't even want to have a baby getting fucking pregnant! I've been TTC for 8 months! :( it's depressing and it breaks my heart! 💔 second thing bugging me is my DH is a fucking lazy ass jerkface dill hole!! Yes I am pissed off right now. I love him but seriously, I asked him to be productive today... He didn't do anything!!!! The room needs to be cleaned. Boxes unpacked, my sons room needs to be cleaned. Laundry. But he literally did absolutely nothing all day long while I was at work. I'm the only one who ever does anything!! He's mad at me for telling him I was frustrated. He won't text me back and said, "bye" all pissy!!! Ugh!!! I'm just pissed off!!!! Rant over!