My husband held me as I cried last night 😢


We're 11 months into trying to conceive our first and each period gets harder to take. We did our first round of Femara followed by a trigger shot with two beautiful follicles. We have sperm morphology issues (1 to 3% normal forms) which means our chances of natural conception are low, but we wanted to try. We'll probably do one more round and maybe actually do <a href="">IUI</a> this time instead of timed intercourse. After that it will officially have been a year, and we'll both be 35, and it will probably be time to do

<a href="">IVF</a>

with ICSI. My cycle was only 26 days this time which makes me worried that maybe there is also some undiagnosed issue with me despite normal HSG, ultrasounds and blood tests... Sigh, it's just so tough. I need some optimism. Some success stories. Please???