Things I'm sick of hearing...

1) "what if it's twins" "there two babies in there" and comments along those line. I've had 3 ultrasounds so far I think someone would've found another baby by now. I'm bigger because this is my second pregnancy. Plus I got some bloat going on. 
2.) "just wait till the second baby gets here" "you are gonna wish you stoppe at one" "it's so hard to find a baby sitter for two"... Excuse me but where is my decision to have another any of your business (even though ti was blabbed) and Ya know what, I'll figure it out, I have my nephew more than I dot that's pretty much like having two. And just because no one wants to keep yor bad kids doesn't mean a thing about who will want to keep mine (not that I leave my one all that much anyway) 
3.) "if it's a boy are yall gonna try for a girl later?"... Yes we want a girl, but would two boys really be so horrible that I'd have to have another? And where is it written that you have to have one of each gender or you keep trying! No sorry I'm done at two thanks. 
Ok I feel better. Feel free to post what you are sick of hearing. Sadly I'm on 11 weeks so I have a long way to go with the serious people and their stupid comments.