😂It's funny because he is serious!.

Z♡ey • The McNeville Family on YouTube

Me and Hubby2be are TTC #1. We've been tossing up possible baby names &I kid you not here are his:

Jérôme, so that he can say Je ROME wasn't built in a day.

Sasha for a boy because it's a boys name in other parts of the world and that for some reason fascinates him to no end.

Or Remy (long story short he almost changed his name to that because Joshua was to common of a name.

And he can't even fathom girl names!.

Does anyone else deal with silly SOs?!.

Guess I'll be picking the names and if he likes it is all I'll take into consideration!. ♡♡♡♡♡

Baby dust & healthy pregnancy dust ♡♡♡♡♡