Long story short. Cancer.

Recently, I felt really sick and got a bulging headache and my mom decided to take me to the hospital. They did the tests and everything but came back with something I wasn't expecting. I turns out I have a mass in the upper left side of my brain. Im 14 and it is extremely unlikely in someone my age, just in case you didn't know. The doctors still haven't figured out how much time I have left and I'm really scared. I've it so many questions like when will hair start falling out? What will my friends think? Im so scare I don't know what is going to happen. So for now I'm going to tell you one thing on my bucket list, that means the world to me. I have 2 fan accounts that i am trying to get to 1,000 followers by the end of the year. It would mean my absolute life if you followed @holylosers and @unfortunatemalina on instagram it would truly be a miracle❤️ I will keep everyone updated but for now, I am keeping this anonymous an please please please follow the accounts on Instagram