gained too much this month


Hey everyone, just got back from my OB. Everything checked out great 👍🏻 but my doctor says I gained too much weight this month. I am 15 weeks and 4 days, 5’6”, and 146 lbs. My start weight was 132lbs. Now I have to admit, my husband and I have been hitting the sweets kinda hard lately...

When I was weighed I had literally just ate lunch on my way to the appointment and had my boots 👢 on when they weighed me, but I know I have been a bit more jiggly than usual.

Looking for so advice on how to slow down my weight gain and curb these sweets 🍫 cravings. When I’m not pregnant I never touch them but I literally can’t stop thinking about sweets now.

I get a fair amount of low impact exercise with my job. I walk an average of 2-5 miles a day. So I know it’s my diet. During my first trimester I had a lot of food aversions, so I ate a lot of bland foods like cereal and pasta. But now I feel like I have developed bad habits and need to break them.

Noticing most of my weight gain in my love handles and arms.