I said YES to myself!


Last year when I was four months postpartum, I was overweight and feeling like a humongous whale. I had zero energy, I needed to nap with the baby (most days I needed more naps then her), I couldn’t fit my clothes, and I couldn’t keep up with my husband and my two other children. I was about to return to work as a second grade teacher and I just didn’t know how I was going to survive it all. I knew something had to change and it had to be ME. I said yes to #thelittlebrownbox in October and my life has been forever changed. THIRTY pounds later and 7 pants sizes down .. I now have tons of natural energy, confidence, a radiant glow, and so much more. I don’t tell you this to brag but to share with you that I found something that works for me. It works for thousands of other people looking for the same things i was. So maybe, just maybe this could be for you too.

To top it off my kids could drink these superfood shakes I’m drinking and they LOVE it. You know how kids are and what they eat. Haha. So if you’re looking for something to help you manage your weight (lose or gain), gain energy, increase performance, or even healthy aging let me know and I’d be happy to give you more information. BONUS: wealth creation also included for those looking to make extra cash. I hope this speaks to some of you. I can’t wait to help you crush your 2018 goals.