Night feeding and light?


My LO is almost 2 months old. My husband has been sleeping in the guest room through the week since he works and then sleeps in our room on the weekends. Our little man is starting to sleep better and I feel like we’re probably about to the point my husband could sleep in our room and not be completely sleep deprived for work! The only catch is , we sleep with the bathroom light on so that I can see for night nursing sessions. My husband has a really hard time sleeping when it’s not really dark, so it’s not practical for us to do that every night if he’s sleeping in here. What do you ladies do for light when you nurse?

LO is in a bedside bassinet, so I don’t want to have to get out of bed to turn anything on and off and the bassinet has taken the place of my nightstand so I don’t have easy reach to a lamp.