I think I'm bisexual, details below, any advice?


Don't know if this is the right place to post this. I'm a teenager and it sort of involves relationships so probably. I think I'm bisexual but am not sure. I've never been in a relationship and have never been one to have crushes left, right and centre so I don't have any idea what I'm doing. I am Autistic and struggle with feeling and interpersonal stuff. There's been some stuff the last year or so towards girls and more things lately (just moved to a school three times the size of my old one so maybe something to do with more people around, statistics and all that) that got me thinking about my Sexuality. I am pretty sure I am bi, but have never been in a relationship of any sorts and don't want to later discover that I was mistaken because of my struggles with people stuff. I'm 14 btw (almost 15).