IVF clinic


Anyone else feeling a bit fed up with their clinic? I signed up for 2 cycles of

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> and paying alot of money but finding some of the staff not very helpful and now quite frankly I'm worried as I am having to complain. Now getting worried they will sabourtage our treatment somehow. Feeling anxious I guess. They seem disinterested in helping. For example I tried to book my down reg scan and they would only offer me one appointment, I can't make it and they insisted on booking it in over and over so I have something. I made it clear I didn't want it as I can't make it a number of times eventually I got a little short with her and said 'I have told you I don't want a 10.30 appointment'. The lady then started to get funny with me on the phone and I could see we were not going to get anywhere. I reiterated we are paying them alot of money and struggling financially so can't just take time off as I'm self employed and have customers. In the end I decided to log as a complaint as I need an appointment I can attend her only solution was ring Monday and see if one has become available, they said the director would call me back today, but she never did.....says it all really. My Pre treatment scan they lost the booking and the staff seemed as acted like I made it up that I had one. I have had to tell them the same things over getting quite fed up now. Not what I was, expecting. I used this clinic last time as NHS patient, I guess when you're not paying out you will take any appointment. Now money's tighter I need to be more careful xx