LO easily distracted while nursing

My 7 month old daughter is sooo easily distracted. I find a quit place to nurse her and yet she will hear something or think about something she saw in the room and she stops nursing so that she can look at it. Just overall during the day she is easily distracted. I tried to not offer the breast often until she asks for it. And she will crawl towards me and pull my shirt down, nurse some but more like a snack. Her ideal situation would be if I would just lay there with my breast out, so she could have some sips while playing every few minutes😅🤣. And sometimes she sees nursing in itself just a game, if she will be able to nurse from sitting/standing positions. She will take some sips, laugh and gets excited and then tries again. I do think she is very effective and I also have a fast let down, but I feel like she makes it up at night by nursing every 2/3 hours, and towards the morning it can be every hour..(we cosleep). It's not just comfort nursing because I can tell she gulps milk down. Anyone else have this? tips advice on how to deal with it (if not "normal"). does it change?