Sex after baby? Lol

Okay so tomorrow our daughter is one month old.. yay but so sad! Lol anyways.. I didn't even tear that bad, but I got a couple disolvable stitches. I ripped more lower. I haven't got seen yet because my OB is switching to a different building farther away and the waits pretty long since there isn't many OB's since a bunch are switching. Idk if my stitches are still there.. this June 25th at 952 pm is exactly one month since her birth lol.

My questions are...

Did you have minor tear and get disolvable stitches? When did they completely disolve?

Even after they completely disolve is it best to keep waiting to have sex?

Will sex hurt either way?

Could I re open the tears even after the stitches have disolved?

Is there a way I can check to see what's going on down there? Lol

Or... should I just wait to be seen and go from there lol

If anyone could answer any of these or give me some stories and or advice that'd be great!

This is both of ours first baby and even though he thinks everything's okay, I can tell a difference in our relationship without sex.. lmaoo, we did good for awhile but now the arguing picked up a bit. I'm not desperate to have sex, I don't believe it will save my relationship, I'm just curious. Besides even after I get that okay to have sex I might wait a little longer lol, just to be safe..

Yes I am going on birth control though, whenever they get me scheduled in ._.