Alessia born at 36 weeks


My due date was May 4th. On April 10th i couldn't sleep at night due to irregular contractions. They were very mild and since this is my 4th baby, i didn't think anything of it. I thought it was just my body preparing for real deal. I told my doctor i kept getting irregular cramping and she said it was normal that it was just my body preparing. Next day, April 11th, cramping comes back (irregular again) and very mild. I sleept well that night. I wake up around 4:30 am with again mild cramping, i was getting frustated that they didn't seem to have a pattern or became stronger. I got up to pee and when i sat on the toilet, a big gush of blood came out. I tell my husband " i am bleeding". He got up so fast from bed, i hadn't even gotten up from the toilet when he had his shoes on and ready to go to the hospital. 😂 I love him. I was wondering if it was just my bloody show. Since i had no real contractions.I never had this happen with any of my pregnancies. So, i didn't know what it was really. I called the hospital and they said they would call me back in 30 mins. 1.5 hours goea by and i hadn't heard from them. I call back and turns out they had my phone number wrong 😑😑. Anyway, they said i should go in just to check if it was my placenta. On our way to the hospital, my contractions started getting regular, about every 2 mins and lasting about 50 second each. They were not so strong, they just felt like period cramps. When we get to the hospital i feel this inmense pressure like i had to push (now it was really hurting) 😣. Nurse checks me and says i am ready to push. Like Whattt?? They take over to a labor and delivery room assap and i could not hold it any longer. I had to push. 1 big push and my baby girl was born at 8:32 A.M at 36 weeks 6 days. They considered her late preterm but she is perfectly healthy. No issues whatsoever ( except latching on the breast) which we are working on, but other than that. She is perfect. She is a little peanut at only 4 Ibs 15 Oz, 18" long. This is the fastest labor i've ever had and i am glad i went to the hospital on time or she would have been born at home. Here she is Alessia Jasmine ❤