Miscarriages Suck!


Besides being emotionally the worst, this miscarriage is just awful.

The night we found out, our pup woke us up vomiting blood and we spent an hour or two in urgent care. She's fine thankfully.

The next day, after the obgyn office closed of course my miscarriage begins. I wanted a natural one anyway so that's okay but I'm O negative so I need a rhogam shot asap...within 72 hours max.

Now it's Friday and I took the day off to drive several hours to visit my brother for the weekend. I didnt tell my parents I'm pregnant and I'm definitely not ready to tell them I miscarried so I need to fit in a rhogam shot before I leave and give them a good enough excuse of why I'm delaying when just a week ago I was perfectly available.

Honestly there's so much I'm thankful for that I've left out and I know I shouldn't complain but this is not how I expected this weekend would go. It was supposed to be happy pregnancy announcement not lying and fitting in urgent doctor appointments. Okay rant over., thanks for reading! I just wanted to get it out somewhere.