Do you believe you should always support family.. no matter what?? (Read description)


So I have a stepsister that is pretty toxic. She’s always been very hateful and never supportive of me. When we first got married, my husband lost his job and we had to live with my parents temporarily. She would mock me and make fun of our situation. I let it go and forgave her. It was only when her son starting making racist comments to mine that I just couldn’t maintain our relationship any longer. Now her husband has some serious health problems and her living conditions are less than ideal. They are having to rely on family and the roles have completely reversed. At times I feel like I should reach out and help her or offer support but then I remember all the awful thing she said and did. I’ve always been taught that family is family no matter what but I’m really struggling with how to handle the situation. What do you all think?

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