My baby girl made her arrival 🎀👣

Veronica • One handsome boy and one beautiful little girl on the way. ❤️ Happily married. 💍 21 years old. ♎️

My sweet Harper made her arrival exactly two weeks before my due date! I started having mild sporadic contractions starting at 6am Monday morning. They slowly became stronger and stronger throughout the days. I had my appt Thursday morning at 9am and she said I was dialated to a 4 and if my contractions started feeling any worse than to go into the hospital. About an hour after I got home I lost my plug and my contractions started picking up. So I made lunch and picked up the house a little bit and we headed out. When I got to the hospital the nurse said I was a good 5 centimeters and that they were admitting me to be delivering and they set up my IVs and epidural. When it came time to push the epidural stopped working on my belly and my left leg so I could feel every contraction. But my goods and right leg were completely numb! I pushed for about 20 minutes and there she was!! She is perfect! Her daddy and I are so in love! 😍