30 weeks and have stomach flu/gastro, Any advice?


So I nanny 2 babies at their home and the parents came down with stomch flu Tues. I refused to work Wednesday which i got guilt tripped for for not giving enough "notice". So went back to do final day Thursday since she said they were fine and it had probably been food poisoning. Friday night stomach flu begins 😵😷 (it's referred to as Gastro here in Australia ). Any tips besides keeping up with water for getting through this awful day? [Which also happens to be our good friends wedding we've been planning to go to for months. 😔] Murpheys law is against me....also got 1st parking ticket friday afternoon too for $100. No joke when it rains in pours. Anyways...any snacks you suggest or things? I'm not too bad yet so not considering hospital at this point. If i lay still i can manage to keep digestive system at bay.