dog moms... please help!!!


When you try and figure out why your dog is so stressed (don't judge me) I put my damn monkey, in a nb diaper, a long sleeved onesie, wrapped him up and put him in a damn car seat 😒😒😒 and bitch is still tripping while shaking like a leaf.

Unfortunately, this fur mom, has no clue as to what to do to help her cope with my changing body, hormones and new work schedule.

It breaks my heart. I don't want to give her trazadone Every time she starts shaking in fear of something. It's been a 3 day stretch with these new "symptoms" or behaviors.

She has no other symptoms besides the shaking and literally being our 2nd shadow.

She'll stop shaking for a couple hours and then it starts all over. She was panting at 330 the other morning and for the past TWO mornings, she's woken me up at around 630, it's still dark and she's STARING at me and her eyes are almost solid black. It's beginning to freak me out. We take her for a walk every night, almost, her eating times haven't changed... idk what to do at this point....