Finally! After 5months w no AF 🤦


So I have never been regular, but 2 years ago I started to notice it was starting to regulate a bit, very light as well (only need a liner kindda light) but it was there you know? And after a car accident on November 2017, I missed my period 5months. I started taking Pregnitude on March because I read good reviews about it and how it could help you regulate your menstrual period and help you conceive, and YESSS! I got my period again! Still it was light, but at least it was something. Well is April now and AF is here again (not light nor heavy, just nornal). I never thought it would make me so happy to have my vagina bleeding all day 🤷😂😂 I can't post this on fb and I really wanted to let someone else besides my hubby know, I am just so excited 😂 I am about to go buy a bag of Dove chocolate now 😍