

I’m 37wks and 3days ! True-fully I’m pass the excitement stage I’m so ready to have my son. Mainly because I just wobble around then secondly because I feel as though my hip has been misplaced; I can’t put weight on my right side without a painful feeling that my hip is in my back. I’m constantly waking at night and I am just over it all I was 2cm dilation last week and now I fear I’ll be walking around in all this pain for at least two more weeks!

Oan btw due to the hip pain I work at railroad levels I had to go on Maternity leave early which is unpaid so the time I’m spending at home now is time I won’t have with baby because I can’t afford to still stay out of work two months plus the two weeks I’ve been out already ! Which is especially why baby needs to work with me and be born ASAP😫😢🤔🤞🏾