Baby dreams before birth???


I seem to be in a dream state ever since I got pregnant because Ive been dreaming of the outcome before each milestone in my pregnancy.


I had a dream I got a positive pregnancy test a week before I found out. (Found out at 8wks)

Dreamt I was having a boy while I was in cali visiting family. But I really wanted a boy so this ones iffy. (Found out I was having a boy 2 months later)

And now, ive had continuous dreams for the past 3 nights in a row. First one was I went into labor, second night was I gave birth, and last night it was, I had my baby and was just doing mom things. Lol

Im just wondering if anyone else had lots of dreams while pregnant. And mind you im also 32 weeks today so im wondering if its maybe just the excitement and anticipation I feel that my dates getting closer and closer, and the fact that Im moving into my first house in less than 2 weeks. 🙈🙈🙈