Pregnancy guilt


Am I the only one struggling with pregnancy guilt? There is sooo much pressure to do everything just right with pregnancy (and parenthood after) and I’m getting a little nutty under the pressure. I find myself apologizing to my husband on the rare occasion I have caffeine even though I’ve never exceeded the 200 mg daily limit. He of course doesn’t mind

and has never said anything about it. Today, I agreed to make a rum cake for my father-in-law’s birthday but felt like everyone in the liquor store was judging me as I went in to get the rum. I didn’t explain myself to the cashier but I wanted to. I found out I may have to have a csection because of how my placenta is located. I know it’s what’s safest for my child and myself so of course I’m fine with doing it if it doesn’t resolve itself but I felt stress at the thought of having to tell my sister because she very opinionated about birthing methods. So much pressure and judgement involved with pregnancy!