Just found out that the guy I’ve been seeing (not officially) since January slept with a girl I know...


So I’ve been talking to this guy since January and it’s getting to a point where things are fairly serious. We’re sleeping together and pretty intimate and we have many mutual friends who know about the whole situation as we go to the same university and are both on sports teams.

Recently ( a few weeks ago ) we went on tour to Italy with all of the university sports teams, which usually results in a whole week of heavy drinking and going out, with lots of people sleeping around.

For some reason or other, perhaps because we were both far too drunk or were more concerned about spending time with friends on our teams than each-other, we didn’t sleep together at-all all week, which was very unexpected as we’d been talking about the holiday for months...

Anyway, once we got home from tour everything seemed to be going great. He seemed way more invested in making conversation, asking how my stressful days at uni had been, being overly nice and sweet. Everything was going so well I could hardly believe it!

And then last night my best friend sat me down to tell me that he had slept with a girl from a different sports team (a friend of mine, might I add) on the last day of our holiday...

She had just been told by the girl in question and felt it was her responsibility to tell me as he hadn’t told me.

My best-friend was told that it was just a drunken fling and that it was not serious at all, and that if the girl had been aware that the two of us were sleeping together that it

would not have happened.

I know that we were not official, but I thought it was pretty clear that we were not sleeping around with other people and that this thing between us, whatever it may be, meant more to him than it obviously did. I’m really hurt, and angry, and just looking for some advice with what to do next to be honest...

Do I confront him? Do I wait to see if he will bring it up himself? Everyone keeps telling me that the ball is in my court now but I’m honestly confused about what I want from this now... I still really like him and that’s probably what scares me the most. I don’t think he has a clue that I know and I don’t know how to broach the subject. Has anyone been in a similar position?