Chances are...


So I believe I suffered a chemical pregnancy in March. Was supposed to start my period March 24th, had a positive digital test 2 days before Easter (the 30th). Then the day after Easter I had heavy bleeding and my test was negative. That was my first possible pregnancy that ive had since ttc (1 year and 2 months now) so it was discouraging and heartbreaking to say the least. Im honestly not even sure if or when i ovulate(d) this month. What are my chances of conceiving again for this month? I'm not even sure my glow chart is accurate but I continued to chart like normal. I didn't use any ovulation kits or anything. **ps, on the 1st for some reason its messed up. bleeding didnt start until the 2nd officially. lots of baby dust to you ladies on your journey 💖💙