One of my pet peeves


I CAN NOT stand it when I’m in a group Project and there’s that one peer who just sits and observes the project unfold but doesn’t do SHIT 🙄

I am in an online ART111 class so it’s not like it’s intense or hard work, ive been in the PowerPoint doing my part and touching things up. This girl in my group has not done ANYTHING and I see her pop in and out so I think okay she’s starting to get some work done. Google Slides documents changes or addition to the project.. I didn’t see anything different myself so I look there. SHE STILL HAS NOT DONE ANYTHING. The project is due tomorrow. We’ve had this PowerPoint started for a good 3 weeks now but have started talking about the project in March. She didn’t claim any of the parts in the group discussion board. Since it is due tomorrow I finished the extra three slides that was suppose to be her work but I don’t want a bad grade because we were short on work. Needless to say, after I finished those three I emailed my professor 😊 it’s so unfair for someone to get an A on a project they had nothing to do with.

If your going to go to college stop acting like a high schooler and do your work like a grown up.