Do I stay or do I quit?

I have a part-time job at Bath and Body Works. I get really crappy hours, like, I’ll only work once a week and it’ll be at night. Im also a full time college student and im getting way too much homework this quarter that its hard to step away to go to work and then im so exhausted when I come home. I was planning on giving my two weeks today so my last day would be May 6th. Our store is moving on the 12th of May and my manager said we would be getting A LOT of hours and Im afraid I’ll fall so far behind in my school work that week. I need to maintain a good GPA in order to keep my financial aid and Im scared of falling behind because it would literally cause me to fail (I have homework every night and even on weekends). I don’t know whether I should give my two weeks or stay because it would be a dick move to leave before the big store move but I really need to think about myself and my grades. Please help:(

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