Bad relationship with my parents.

I am currently 32 weeks pregnant and 17 years old. Back in October, being 16 years old at the time, I had to tell both of my parents that I was pregnant. This was the most terrifying thing to me and being an anxious person as it is, caused me a lot of stress. But I got up the nerve to tell them. My dad begged me to get an abortion to the point where I couldn’t even have a conversation with him without being in tears. My mom told me things purposely to discourage me from continuing my pregnancy. Going against both of them, my decision was made long before they even knew about my pregnancy. I’m not going to say things have been all bad because they have gotten a lot better, I don’t live with them anymore which has taken a lot of strain off my relationship with them. But I find myself constantly being put down by them, snide comments here and there. Me and my mom were discussing how my cousin was being pushy about being the godmother to my daughter and then the topic changed to my cousins pregnancy at the age of 13 and just as we were getting off the phone my mom said “at least she had enough common sense to get rid of it”. As if our circumstances were exactly the same! The things they say to me make me sick sometimes. I don’t know how to handle the negativity from them and it honestly hurts.