TMI 11 Weeks Pregnant


I'm sorry this is a disgusting little story but I'm gonna post it anyway. So I have been having HORRIBLE morning sickness lately. Well tonight I started feeling super sick again and barfed everywhere before I could make it to a bathroom or trash can. I started bawling my eyes out, embarrased that my hubby had to see it all I seriously felt so ashamed idk. Anyway my hubby was so kind to me and made sit in living room and gave me water and told me we will see a lot worse when children come and that it's okay. He tied a towel to his face, put gloves on, has an apron on and is in boxers cleaning everything up. I want to crack up laughing looking at him but I also wanna cry because he's so sweet and cute then barf again because the whole situation is just unplesant and gross.