So. So. Nervous.

Kierra • 25 mama to 2 boys

I’m 6 weeks exactly today and I haven’t thrown up since I was 4w6d. I’ve had bouts of nausea, sore boobs, acid reflux, irritability, lots of fatigue, and tons of bloating. But no puking. I know I should be grateful but I’m actually terrified. Today I woke up with sore boobs and later the nausea kicked in. I’ve been exhausted. But not so bloated or irritable. Then tonight my boobs aren’t sore either. Now I’m just a tad nauseous and scared. This is my first time being pregnant and I’m so so paranoid that I’m going to lose this baby. I don’t have my first appointment for 2 more weeks and I’m impatient asf. I’ve read about all the worst case scenarios because I can’t help myself and I’m so worried about everything. I want to pee on a stick every single day to make sure that I’m still pregnant. It’s crazy but I’m so scared. Is there anyone else feeling this way?