I’m so confused. Please help.

Diane • 👦🏼 2019 👼🏻Ectopic 2021 👼🏻 MC 2021 🌈 EDD 05/22


We’ve been ttc for a couple of months. BD on fertile days, positive opk, ovulation pain and EWCVM and so I’m sure I’m ovulating. This month about 4dpo I had sore hot heavy boobs and on my usual dry days I had milk like discharge super thin and white. AF due tomorrow (tues) but I started spotting on sat - brown/pink discharge with some spots of red, with cramping. That’s completely stopped this morning and I didn’t have any cramps apart from on sat. Last night i fell asleep on the sofa which is unusual for me and on the way to bed I threw up. Did a test today and it’s bfn. Anyone else had these experiences should I test again in a few days or do we think I’m just reading into it?