i feel like people judge you when ur christian ..

so im a christian and we used to go to church a lot but not anymore. (which is fine as long as we believe in god and know about him and love him... anyways i want to start going but afraid people are going to talk crap like “oh now why she all of a sudden wants to come” .. blah blah.. i do have a judgmental family my grandma and her sister are very judgmental and will say crap ..i’m 23 and want to be even more closer to god and participate in the church more AND for my future children, i want them to grow up in church like i did (alittle).... Should i just not care what people think and go? or just don’t go because my parents don’t go ? also Another QUESTION my boyfriend is catholic and i’m christian, how do i pick to raise my kids in what religion? 😪my boyfriend doesn’t go to church either but he respects it