Non parent side of Glow

I wish Glow would have a part of their app where people aren’t talking about ttc,pregnancy, and parenting.

I have <a href="">Eve</a> and the only group I’m in that is baby related is the Baby Names one,because I like names. But people are always posting about baby stuff or about their kids in almost every group. That’s fine but I could care less about that kind of stuff.

There should be an option where it’s less parent/baby focused. Kids are cute but that’s not a part of my life.


You don’t have to be a “young teen” to not be a parent, I’m in my 20s,some people live their whole lives and never have kids. My point was to say Glow should have a section that involves women’s health that excludes parenthood and pregnancy. Especially since people post child stuff in basically every group. . . When there are tons of baby groups