Baby girl decided to come early- 34 weeks 3 days

Natasha • Ftm to a baby girl! Born at 34 weeks 3 days and is doing great 💜💜

My due date was June 1st but my body had a different plan! I’ve been having contractions on and off that weren’t changing my cervix since week 31 and I’ve been feeling fine since then so I never thought i would of had my baby girl at 34 weeks 3 days! I decided to give the dog a bath and as I was just about done rinsing him off , I was in a squatting position, I felt like I peed myself but quickly realized it wasn’t pee because a huge amount of water was leaking out of me so i knew my water broke , I called ob and told them and they told me to go in right away and get checked out, my man had just left for work a couple hours before because he’s working night shift this week , I wasn’t in any pain so I hurried up and changed and drove myself to the hospital, only a 10 minute drive or so but I was still leaking water like crazy !! Once there they got me set up on monitors baby’s doing amazing but I was for sure in active labor and contractions were starting (they really do feel like period cramps) once my doctor got there she did a bedside ultrasound because when I had come in at 31 weeks she was Breech, and of course babygirl was still Breech, side ways Breech so there was no way I was delivering vaginally, also I was 4 cms dilated at the time. So they got me all ready for a csection, ( the epidural honestly does not hurt at all, getting an iv put in hurts more) by the time they got the epidural in to freeze my lower body it literally took 20 minutes if that and baby was born at 8:06 pm, weighing 5.7 lbs and 18 inches long.Everything went so well, and she’s breathing on her own like a champ and started crying right away. But because we are a small hospital they aren’t allowed to keep babies under 35 weeks old, so she’s been sent to a city hospital 1.5 hours away where there’s doctors that specialize in premature babies. I have to stay here and rest for 24 hours then they will either discharge me and I’ll be on my way to see her or they will transfer me there by ambulance. Either way I can not wait to see and hold my babygirl again!! Probably the worst feeling ever to be away from her :( but I’m so glad she is doing awesome so far!! So thankful for my amazing family for all they’re support and being here with me every step of the way! Here is pictures that of baby Elsie 💜 my strong little babe.