Ex texted me (long story)


So a little background info: my ex, A, and I dated from December 2016 to January 2017 (a little over a month). And we got pretty serious pretty quickly , we talked about living together and love and he wanted to get me a promise ring. Then almost out of nowhere he started getting distant, he started bailing on plans more often, then he broke up with me. I texted him a couple months after telling him i missed him and wanted to at least try being friends. He rejected that idea and we didn’t talk for a very long time, I thought it was just completely over and we’d never talk again.

Now it’s been over a year since he broke up with me. I have a wonderful boyfriend whom I love very much and recently celebrated our 6 month anniversary ♥️. My ex, A, texted me out of nowhere and asked if we could talk, he said he needed someone he could trust.

It brought up a lot of feelings, it reminded me of how much it hurt and how insecure and scared it made me. It brought back feelings of “what if he [my current boyfriend] stops loving me one day and just dumps me after all we’ve been through?” This whole situation made me a nervous wreck and my boyfriend has been very supportive during it. He holds me while I cry and talk about it and reassures me that he won’t do the same, we’ll always try to work things out first.

Thank you so much for reading!