My little secret 😁

Karri • SAHM to Ryan and Sam👬Wife to Aaron💍 United States Navy Veteran ⚓️
Yesterday we had our anatomy scan. My husband has been gone since April for work and is home for 4 days. He has made it very clear that he doesn't want to know the sex of the baby until birth. I have had it in my head that were having another boy. I felt it in my heart and soul. So we get the ultrasound and at first they only take me back so they came take the nessecary photos of baby for the doctor. Then they bring my husband and son back so they can see baby. Well... In between that happening I asked her to tell me what we were having and it's a boy!!!! I was so right. And we'll I told my husband I asked her not to tell me the sex so I wouldn't ruin it for him on accident. He believes me. Lol I told my sister because she's my person. And so now I feel kinda bad I lied to him. But I knew if I told him I knew what it was he'd ask and I really want him to stick to his wish of being surprised at the birth. He knows I think it's a boy and that I'm just gonna prepare for a boy. He knew all that before the ultrasound. After this visit he leaves again for another five months. Next time I see him it will be for the birth of our little one. So yeah. I feel like it will be easy to keep this my little secret 😁 Anyone else do this? Or is it just me?? Haha