Baby boy is here!

Shelly 🌈

Baby was due 4/19 but decided he couldn’t wait to meet his family! On Sunday 3/25 we welcomed our little man at 36 weeks. At first he looked great but quickly realized he had some fluid in his lungs which was causing him to have severe breathing trouble. He was out under oxygen over night. Doctors decided he needed to be transferred to NICU that could insert breathing, feeding tubes, and give him continuous CPAP. My husband and baby were transported via ambulance Monday morning at 11am. I still hadn’t even held my new baby boy yet. I had to be transported separately once they were able to find a room for me. This didn’t happen until 7:30 pm. Thankfully my husband was with our little guy the whole time. Finally after being checked into the hospital in Boston I was able to go to NICU. The nurse immediately took my baby boy out and let me hold him for the first time 26 hours after he was born. Tuesday night he spiked a fever so he had to under go a spinal tap to check for various illnesses. Thankfully by Wednesday afternoon he was in the normal temp range and even had breathing tube removed!! Wednesday night the feeding tubes c

ame out and we breast fed! That night he was transferred to our room on the L&D; floor! First time all 3 of us were together over night! By Friday we were all released! I truly believe that the prayers of family and friends got us through this. There was no medical

explanation of how my little guy went from extremely distressed to a perfectly healthy baby in less than a day. I am truly blessed to have such an amazing husband, a beautiful 2 year old girl, and the finale to our family Miller Raymond. 6lbs 2oz 3/25/18 8:58pm. 💙