Declawing Cats


I'm in 120% support of this. My cats have never been declawed. They do have a large scratching post/cat tree. My furniture is always intact, never scratched. They never fight. They've never even scratched anyone. Even as my daughter pulls on our boy cats tail and feet. He just pulls them out of her hand and then gives them back to her. He loves her ❤️ Our female cat sometimes let's me daughter near. However, my daughter squeals, our little Moxie doesn't like that. She does great with ages 2+, follows them around and such. We've raised kittens that were abandoned and rehomed them at 10 weeks. Everyone is surprised at how trained they are. Cats can absolutely be trained. My cats know what no and get down means. They never go on the counters. They are seriously great cats.

Bagheera is our oldest, the bigger one. Our Moxie is honestly not much bigger now than in this picture. Maybe double in size? But half the size of bagheera, she's very tiny.

How do you feel about cats being declawed?

Do you support the ban?

Would you, or have you ever had your cats declawed? ("would you" - pretend that it's still legal for the sake of your argument).