just advice please as this is really affecting my mental health

so me and my bf of two and a half years split in feburary. while im currently 5 n a half months pregnant with our third child..... he has run back to his ex who he also has 3 kids with. he hasnt seen my kids in 3 weeks now. so last week i changed my number as i was legally advised to just cut ties. although the hard part for me is that him and his girls 2 sons both attend the same school as my eldest son from a previous relationship so i have to see her everyday. but since changing my number i noticed he has changed his whats app pic to there 3 children. like mine dont exist. and has suddenly started showing up at the school with her which he NEVER done before. he even got her to ask me yesterday had my number changed. this is really affecting me mentally. is he doing this for reactions. im actually contemplating changing my son schools.as i need to cut ties ans move on.