I'm a horrible person


Ok so...it seems I'm gonna change the tone in this group a bit. but I need to get this off my chest. I'm 5 months pregnant but my relationship with my partner has never been solid...I read some posts on here and I'm like I want that kind of level of love,intimacy, trust etc...for the record I've never cheated. I'm quite a difficult person ill admit that... I'm not going to solely blame him. I'm not the most affectionate person in the world...he is. it bugs me. sex is mediocre I don't have a high sex drive in fact we haven't had sex since conception...mainly due to pregnancy illnesses... however I do still enjoy it... when I know it's gonna be exciting. It's not.. but he's new I'm his first sexual partner...ok so problem time is I'm not sure I want to be in this relationship anymore...don't get me wrong he does everything he can he supports me etc. I had to quit my job due to pregnancy illness cause I hadn't been there that long and now I'm loving out of his pocket until baby arrives... I hate it!😭 I csnt go out with my friends he constantly asks what I'm doing during the day... like I can do anything apart from fold your boxers...but that's partly my own fault I get that. another thing is I'm just not as attracted to him as I used to be and i sound like I think I'm the queen of Sheeba saying that...feels like we're just friends living together. I've tried to leave but when he's asked me if I still have feelings for him I do of course i do just there isn't that fire I see in other relationships so when I tell him I do have feelings he says then can we work on it build on it....so i then think I'm being sour and agree. but recently I've been having dreams of past relationships the excitement..the desire all be it the drama and the hurt too. this has never has never happened before and I'm not sure if it's hormones or something but I feel bad. then I tell myself that if I leave him hell turn all devil on me and try and take our baby from me just to hurt me...if he was to do that he would ruin me this baby is my life I'm into the co-parenting thing but I know if it went to court he stands a better chance he works, has a house...if i left I'd essentially be homeless I'm not sure on UK law but that's what I think. I have a degree and plan on using that in the future just to make y'all aware I'm not planning on being broke forever. so then I lie at night and think people have worse problems If you can't stick this out then your weak he's not abusive hes doing everything he can... what's wrong with that? I'm not sure if you can get these feelings during pregnancy but I'm so confused...I just want to be happy. but I'm terrified of the consequences it's not just me to think of any more