My mess of a story.


I'm a 14 year old female, and I lost my virginity to a 22 year old male.

Zoë - Best friend

Rocky - Friend, Zoë's boyfriend

Darnell - 22 year old.

On 4/13, Zoë called me and told me Rocky was having a bonfire and that I should come. So I went, I was under the influence of marijuana. We were all outside until around midnight when me, Rocky, Zoë, and Darnell went upstairs. We were in Rocky's room and we were just gonna play video games. The three of them were sitting on a couch and I was sitting on a chair using Rocky's hookah. Darnell was asking me questions such as "Do you have a boyfriend?" And "Have you ever cheated on him?"

Out of nowhere he told me to come sit on his lap. I asked him why and he said to just do it. I asked why again, and he just grabbed my hand and led me over to him. I sat on his lap and he just played video games like that. Eventually he put his hand on my thigh. He was just slowly moving it around and I honestly didn't even think much of it. Then he started feeling me up. He handed the controller to Zoë and he put one hand in my pants and was touching me like that. A minute or so later he put his other hand in my shirt. Zoë and Rocky were joking around about it, and told us to go downstairs. He got up and It was all happening so fast I didn't know what to do. He took me downstairs, we went into Rocky's music room, and I sucked him off. A couple minutes of doing that and Zoë and Rocky came downstairs. While we were standing there Darnell would be standing behind me and like putting his hands over my shirt. After this I went home. Darnell started texting me things like "Can I take your virginity?" And "Are you gonna let me fuck you?" I said maybe, trying to stall. He asked me if he could come to my house at that moment. I didn't know what to do. I told him my address because I had a terrible gut feeling. Like a half hour later I hear him knocking on my window, he comes in, and we have sex. There was no condom. I've been to the hospital and the police. I believe he's been arrested. Is this even rape?