My BFP Cycle! Chart and Symptoms

Haley • Due 7/31/19 with 🌈🤱 after losses in May 2018 and October 2018.

I was definitely symptom spotting all year while TTC, and here’s what I’ve learned after getting my BFP!

I didn’t really do anything differently this month, but my EWCM, positive OPK, and BBT spike just aligned as if God decided this was our month.

I was worried my luteal temps were too low, but my period was a few days late and my temp spiked this morning before I tested. Those BFPs showed up SO fast and strong that I’m convinced I could’ve tested earlier!

My symptoms:

-The TINIEST spot of pink about 9dpo. I would’ve missed it if I wasn’t in the habit of checking every time I wipe.

-Nasty gas since 5dpo. So embarrassingly smelly and uncontrollable 😬

-A little queasy since 11dpo. Not enough to throw up, but it often feels like a burp is stuck.

-Full/Tender breasts ever since ovulation, but that has certainly happened in non-pregnant cycles as well.

-Cramps that definitely felt like AF was coming.

Hope this is helpful for someone!!