my birth story 😊


on December 15th, 2017 at 7am, I was exactly 36 weeks when I had my baby girl. I was half asleep thinking that I peed myself in bed because I felt something leaking down there! I went to get up and as soon as I stood up, I felt more "pee" (or what I thought was pee) coming out and I hurried up and walked to the bathroom and I just kept leaking more and more and I finally realized that my water had probably broke but I wasn't sure so I called my hospital and told them that I thought my water had broke and they told me to come in so I hurried and packed my bags, called my mom and asked her to give me a ride to the hospital (my fiance was at work). on the way to the hospital I finally got a hold of my fiance and told him that I was heading to the hospital because I thought my water had broke. when I got to the hospital, they tested me to see if my water was really broke and the test came back positive so they put me on IV to get pitocin started (they also put me on penicillin just to be on the safe side because my group b strep test results didn't come back yet). I was dilated at a 2 when I first got to the hospital. was having very light contractions, nothing too harsh. a couple hours later they upped my dose of pitocin because I wasn't really dilating that much. I started feeling contractions getting more intense. the nurses asked me if I wanted epidural and I told them I wanted to hold off for a little while (I was determined to go natural). more hours in and contractions were getting very intense, almost unbearable. they asked me again if I wanted epidural and I finally said ok because the pain was excruciating! I think I was about 5 or a 6 dilated when I got the epidural. after getting the epidural I started to relax and I was dilating more quickly. a couple hours went by and I was almost a 10 but dilation slowed down because baby's head wasn't in the right position so I had to lay on each side to get baby's head in position. once baby's head was in position I became fully dilated and was ready to push. by then, I was extremely exhausted and wasn't sure if I was gonna be able to push. I pushed for maybe 30 minutes and my beautiful baby girl was born at 8:59pm at 6lbs, 9oz! 😊