Epidural Nightmare - MY BIRTH STORY

Angele • Mommy to 3 boys and 3 girls. 👼 10/2017 🌈 👩 👶🏽 4/6/18

My daughter will be 3 weeks on Friday and I can now give my Birth Story.

Went to my 38 week appointment and I was 4 centimeters, the week before I was 3 and 50 effaced. I had Been having contractions but not long enough to go to hospital. This is baby #6 so I'm assuming my dr did a membrane sweep with my cervix check because by the time I left the office at 3 and went to Walmart which was only a few blocks away I was very uncomfortable and hurting, by the time I made it home I was contracting every 4-5 minutes at 4 and after an hour by 5 they were 2-4 minutes. I had to call my spouse who works down the street from the Hospital to come way on the other side of town to come get me and drive back to the other side of town. Get to the hospital after being in traffic an hour. The one thing I dreaded happening being stuck in Houston Traffic. I was admitted and was still at a 4. GSB positive so they decided to admit and get me on antibiotics. Was checked and progressed to 5 after an hour. So at 6 I decided for epidural which I regret. I was handling the pain at that point just was scared I was going to progress to fast to be

able to get it if I waited longer. OMG my anesthesiologist was GOD AWFUL. it took him literally over 9 tries to get my epidural in. i kid you not. I have never been in so much pain in my life. The attempts of him trying to get the needle between my bones was the most excruciating pain ever. I literally broke down crying cause I didn't think I would be able to go through with him sticking me anymore. I was actually handing the contractions and should have just opted out. I was so upset I begin to vomit during the procedure. After trying so many sticks to the right of my back he finally got it in to the left. He was having a hard time stopping the bleeding from one of the areas he stuck me so it was another 20 minutes before he could

tape up the epidural to my back.

After my 2nd dose of antibiotics My dr broke my water at 7 centimeters

I was feeling something wet on my lower back so I asked my SO and nurse to check it out and my bed and back was covered in blood. Apparently the area that the anesthesiologist was supposed to stop from bleeding never stopped and I had been bleeding from my back for almost 2 hours if not longer.

After he came his incompetent tail back to my room he worked on my back another 20 minutes and said it should stop.

After my water was broken at 7 centimeters it only took 15 -20 minutes to get to 10 but during those minutes my epidural wore off on my right side and I felt everything. They gave me a bolus and pain stopped by the time I needed to push. After 3 pushes she was born. No tears no anything. With my legs up I couldn't feel the contractions anymore so my dr had to tell me when to push. She was born at 1:23 a.m. 6lbs 12.8 oz.

I had so much medicine in me from the epidural it took Hours on Hours to wear off.

I'm so glad this was my last pregnancy cause after having 5 previous deliveries, only 1 natural. I would have never wanted to give birth again after the pain I felt from the anesthesiologist.