I just can't help.... But feel alone

Now before I start let me throw a DISCLAIMER out there whatever works for you do that I'm not telling you to or pushing my views on you**** here it goes so I'm on a hardcore diet (no carbs ONLY 2 pieces of bread or one tortilla) oh and I'm on my period right now... So I make dinner for my man and he's honestly so not picky unless like me (I made flavored noodles and chicken and burgers & salad so I ate the salad---side note : he is ALL about meat-- I don't eat it now let me explain why I'm vegetarian/vegan I CAN'T stomach meat of any kind -i try to stomach chicken but I honestly can't it makes me nauseous.. so with that being said my list of what I can't eat is way longer than what I can eat... Now before y'all attack me my man KNOWS about how picky I am but I do try to stomach chicken obviously I can't but I try and he IS SO supportive of me (our) decisions now I feel alone because it feels like I "upset" people if I don't eat this or that even pizza fried foods and diary (sometimes) I just can't eat it I could try gluten free.. but that's a whole other topic . . Now I was at my friend's with baby yesterday we were getting ready to go so she and her family orders pizza taco Bell just a BUNCH of shitty food *now before this I was able to stomach at least a tiny piece of pizza now I'm sick* but anywho ordered a bunch of junk but before that she tells me she can't lose weight she works out but barely eats at all .... Umm... Okay well you can't work out and immediately go stuff junk down you but whatever' (thought bubble inside my head) she asked if (we me and baby but obviously baby drinks formula) wanted anything I said no but thanks she goes and says but you're so skinny etc trying to get me to say yes but anywho I leave.. just didn't want temptation.. I eat salads scrambled eggs or boiled eggs (sometimes peanut butter and jelly) healthy foods now yes it's my decision to eat like this I eat 5 times a day mind you- I'm not knocking anyone but I never thought my own foods choices would affect anyone else besides my man.. YES I make him whatever he wants whenever he's hungry steaks etc but because I choose not to everyone thinks they know better I'm doing this to lose weight and being "okay" in my own skin my so loves me just the way I am .... And I even like tofu now.. I've been vegetarian since I was younger so I don't understand why they care now? I've lost 10-11pounds already shouldn't they be happy and as for my parents they're so supportive of anything I do .... Just needing to rant about it I feel stuck but that's okay