And we wait some more...


So they scheduled my first appt today, based on LMP we’re guessing I’m 10 weeks or thereabouts. They scheduled my first appt for May 25th. So a month from now, and they’re calling it a pregnancy consultation and at that appointment all they will do is ultrasound to determine how far along and due date, but no labs or any of that until the second appt 4 weeks later. I’ve had this dr for years with both my pregnancies. It just seemed to me that they either did the labs sooner or they saw you back sooner or something. Maybe I’m remembering wrong. But if the LMP date is accurate for dating that would put my first appt at me being 14 weeks and then not doing labs until 18 weeks? Hmm maybe I’m just remembering wrong. It just seemed weird when she scheduled it after figuring up from LMP. A little jealous of you guys who have seen baby already and got a little peace of mind. But so happy for you guys as well, your ultrasound pictures cheer me up :) I still have a month of waiting and worrying to go before I can breathe a little! 😣