Dear husband...

Dear husband,

I hate it when you constantly mock my pregnancy symptoms and act like I “fake” being nauseous 90% of the time to “get out of doing chores”. Do you not see that I haven’t been able to eat right since early February? Do you not see that I’ve dropped over 15 pounds since my morning sickness (more like all day sickness 😭) began?? Do you not see how much my appetite has shrunk over the past few months? Do you not see me take 2 bites out of things that are normally my favorite food ever and not be able to eat any more? Do you not see me curl up in a ball and cry in frustration because I SO DESPERATELY want to eat but I just CAN’T?? Do you think I fake my 24/7 exhaustion? You’ll never understand how it feels to be pregnant. This is hard enough on my body as it is. The very last thing I need is my life partner constantly berating me for things that are out of my control, rather than trying to help make my life a little easier during this rough patch. 😞