When it’s hard to let go of the hope for the month

Okay, I’m in cycle day 48 (fuuuuck), and still no period or BFP. I decided this morning to stop worrying about it because honestly the chances I’m pregnant at this point are slim to none. I kept getting symptoms and thinking “well maybe I’m just one of those people who’s HCG levels don’t show on urine tests and I am pregnant but just won’t know until I get a blood test.” I was getting lots of different signs I was pregnant but this morning I woke up and told myself I would stop thinking about it and wait for my period to come and stop analyzing all my symptoms.

Literally ten minutes later a friend texts me saying “I had a dream you were pregnant.” OH COME ON. 😜 I know it’s dumb but no one knows we are even TTC so I thought it was funny that right when I decided to give up the hope for the month I get this text.