Bottle nipple question + breastfeeding compatibility


My son stopped nursing couple weeks ago and I’ve been forced to pump. My supply has greatly diminished since then, despite all efforts (power pumping, protein, oatmeal, teas, shakes, cookies, brownies, etc). With him, it’s a flow thing. I drove 2 hours one way to meet with a lactation consultant and she said my son was incredibly stubborn and lazy. He doesn’t want to work for it. He wants the milk to drip into his mouth. She told us to feed him using an eyedropper and refuse the bottle entirely. So, we did. For 2 days. But my son refused to take it. He literally spit every drop out. I couldn’t not feed my son, I’m not ok with starving him so we gave up and did bottle again. He won’t take to formula and only wants breast milk, hence the increased stress and demand on me, and with my supply diminishing, I *really* want to get him back to breast feeding.

We’ve been using avent naturals size 0 nipples and part of me wonders if we switched bottles/nipples would we have more luck. We tried to trick him by putting a size 2 nipple on my nipple and he sure did latch, but got frustrated the flow wasn’t the same as I’m sure he’s used to from the bottle, therefore unlatched. He was causing a little letdown from me or release, but it just doesn’t fit me obviously like a nipple shield. We tried a nipple shield first, nope he wouldn’t latch. Tried size 2 nipple and then nipple shield he latched but unlatched due to flow.

So, my question is...what bottle/nipple FORCES the baby to suck like he would off a breast and doesn’t just flow into his mouth? In other words which nipple/bottle is most similar to breast feeding? I’d like to try to switch him and see if I can get him back on breastfeeding. Thanks in advance!