I know I’m being petty but I don’t care anymore

My best friend and I got pregnant around the same time

I ended up miscarrying my baby

My friend found out she was pregnant before I knew I was, and I had promised her prior to even knowing I was pregnant to be her baby’s Godmother and to set up her gender reveal.

After I got the news my baby had died, i told her because we were supposed to take maternity pictures together and announce our pregnancies together.

She asked me if I still wanted to do her gender reveal and I said yes.

At first I was iffy on it and I was afraid it would have been too much on me emotionally,

But as time went by my friend has made it known that I am as big as a part of her baby’s life as anyone is.

And tbh it feels really good and it felt really good to help my best friend with that special day.

I worked hard, along with her family, to set up everything.

Her boyfriends family volunteered to get the food while her father volunteered to get the desserts.

I worked very hard to make this a special day for my best friend and my mom called me today to ask if I was doing the baby shower too.

I told her no.

My friend’s mom wanted to do the baby shower.

She then continued to tell me that the food was not that good and how she would’ve made it better.

My mom had literally went to the party and ate the food and did not even stay for the reveal.

My mom had complained to me about the day and time I scheduled it because “I know she works on Sundays”, as if I chose the day and time to spite her. when actually Sunday is not mandatory. It’s only overtime and she would’ve had to of signed up for it.

The reveal had been scheduled about a month in advance.

And then after complaining about how I somehow made it hard for her to come (she left work at 12, got home at 1, we did the reveal around 3 and the location was literally down the road from her house)

She decides to leave right after food is served without even attempting to participate in any games or anything.

But instead complains to my friends mom about how I never call her or talk to her.... when I’m trying to make this a fun atmosphere I am literally getting crap about how I don’t call my mom?

She said I only call her when my phone bill is due.

Making it sound like I want her to pay my bill for me.

We are all under one plan and she pays it and I pay her back.

I’ve been good with my phone bill for so long but recently I have had hospital bills from my miscarriage that has put me behind on everything and she forgot I even owed her money so I called her to tell her I was sorry I was behind and I would be paying her for this month plus some for my other bills in advance.

My mom made it hard for me to enjoy this day where I got to share with my best friend a secret that she made me keep from everyone including her (I tell her everything).

And it was frustrating when she called me today to tell me that the food was not “good enough”.

There were so many compliments from everyone else about how good it was.

I personally liked the food.

And she told me to tell them that she could make the food for the baby shower.

I could not believe those words came out of her mouth.

Complaining about how she did not have time to come to my best friends gender reveal and then offering to make entire dishes for dozens of people for a baby shower?

When I told her that they had it and may take her offer as offensive, she goes

“Well I just want to make food for something and I don’t get anything to make food for.”

Which maybe I’m reading too into it but I really feel A LOT of her issue is she doesn’t get to do a baby shower or anything for me.

She wants to be the grandma at the gender reveal and she wants to be the grandma and the baby shower and she does not get to be.

And I can’t help that.

And I am sick and tired of her constantly reminding me of it.

That she doesn’t get to plan a baby shower and that the dates are not fitted to her schedule and she doesn’t get to choose the food that is served and she doesn’t get to plan the games or invite who can or can not come.

She recently got engaged and tbh I think I pissed her off when I responded to her saying

“You can make a some dishes for your wedding”